Arcgis file databases
Arcgis file databases

arcgis file databases

When you drag a spatial table (feature class) from most supported databases onto a map, ArcGIS creates a query layer. If necessary, define a unique identifier, spatial reference, and geometry type for spatial tables you add to the map. Once you connect to a database from ArcGIS, you can view spatial data in a map by dragging the table from your database connection to the map. To access nonspatial data in databases that ArcGIS doesn't directly support, see Work with OLE DB connections. Share content by publishing it to the hosting server of an ArcGIS Enterprise portal.You can connect to a cloud data warehouse from ArcGIS Pro to do the following: If you need to extend your database to include such functionality as networks, topologies, attachments, or archiving and you use one of the following database types, you can enable a geodatabase in the database.

arcgis file databases

To allow people to edit the data, publish the data as a web feature layer or feature service. Share database content by publishing it to a stand-alone or federated ArcGIS Server site.You can connect to spatial or nonspatial data in a supported database from ArcGIS Pro to do the following:

Arcgis file databases