Donations are by no means required, but they are appreciated. If you use and appreciate my free software and would like to make a donation, you can do so through PayPal. Please read the readme file before using this software. But I have been too busy lately to work on it, so I am releasing it in it's current state, which should be a LOT better than the 0.1 Beta.Jim However, there are still some quirks, and some more things I would like to add. I have been working off and on trying to update VX-5 Commander to the level of some of my other software, and it is almost there. I don't own a VX-5, so I have only briefly tested the software with borrowed radios.

The Wireless M-BUS Analyzer is an excellent tool for analyzing errors and RF range of M-Bus devices. Free programming software for the Yaesu VX-6/6R. A review of the configuration settings or, for example, the meter readings can therefore be completed simply. The data records in the telegrams are displayed in plain text by means of the integrated parser, which greatly simplifies the interpretation of a telegram.

It supports both unencrypted and encrypted telegrams (supported encryption modes are: 0, 5, 7) in accordance with the OMS specification Vol2 V4.1.0 (draft June 2016) and EN13757-3:2013. Features of the radio are laid out on the screen for you to see and set easily. The Wireless M-BUS Analyzer is a tool for receiving and analyzing wireless M-Bus telegrams that comply with EN 13757-4:2013 transmitted by devices with role "meter" or "other". The VX-7 software makes it easy to set up memory channel details including names and tones, limit memories for Programmable Scanning functions, memory banks, DTMF memories, Pager tones, and options for scanning.